equipment for maintaining a farm

Tips For Selecting A Good Horse Trailer

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Summer is horse show and county fair season. If you’ll be going from event to event, you need a good trailer in which to transport your animals. If you’re new to these events, it may be confusing trying to decide what type of trailer you should buy. Not all trailers are alike, but the process of selecting one isn’t as difficult as it may seem at first. Simply, keep a few tips in mind and you’ll find a trailer your horse will be comfortable in at a price you can afford.…

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Winterizing An Outdoor Fountain

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Whether your outdoor fountain is just for looks or if it supplies necessary drinking water for your animals, proper winterization is necessary. This is especially true in areas prone to freezing temperatures. The following guide can help you get your fountain ready so it can survive winter unharmed. #1: Drain the Water Water expands when frozen, so any water left inside the fountain can lead to a cracked basin or leaking water tubes later.…

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When To Supplement A Horse's Diet With Alfalfa Cubes

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Alfalfa cubes are a dietary supplement that can help feed your horse during times when access to baled hay is difficult. Though alfalfa cubes look too small to be considered long stem forage, they’re actually compressed forms of processed alfalfa hay that act similarly to baled forms in a horse’s digestive system. Because they are the same composition as baled hay, you simply substitute alfalfa cubes in a 1:1 ratio for feeding.…

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