Tips For Selecting A Good Horse Trailer
Summer is horse show and county fair season. If you'll be going from event to event, you need a good trailer in which to transport your animals. If you're new to these events, it may be confusing trying to decide what type of trailer you should buy. Not all trailers are alike, but the process of selecting one isn't as difficult as it may seem at first. Simply, keep a few tips in mind and you'll find a trailer your horse will be comfortable in at a price you can afford.
Tips to getting a good horse trailer
First, make sure that you select a trailer that was built expressly for horses. While you can transport your animals in a trailer designed for other livestock, they'll be more comfortable in a trailer that was designed with the dimensions and behavior of horses in mind. In addition, you'll want to consider...
1. The type of loading gate. Horse trailers are available with straight loading, slant loading and side loading gates. While flat loading gates are generally the least expensive, they can be the most stressful for your horse. Horses usually prefer to walk on a diagonal ramp.
2. Number of compartments. If you'll be hauling more than one horse at a time, it's safer to purchase a trailer that has a separate compartment for each animal. That way, the horses won't be injured by running into each other if you are forced to stop suddenly.
3. Safety features. Your horses are more than just an investment; they are part of your family. Keep them safe by checking that the necessary features like venting and padding are adequate in the trailer you are considering.
4. Construction. Horse trailers are available in steel, aluminum and in a combination of both materials. While an aluminum trailer is lighter and easier to maneuver, a steel trailer is sturdier and can stand up to weather, traffic and heavy wear and tear. Aluminum trailers are generally more expensive, up to 25 percent more, whereas steel trailers require more frequent waxing and other maintenance.
5. Other features. While not essential, other amenities like lighting, storage and moveable partitions are nice to have, especially if you'll be traveling overnight.
While cost and size are important, you'll also want to consider the type of loading gate, the number of compartments and the safety features before you shell out your hard earned money for a new horse trailer. To learn more about horse trailers, contact a company like Colorado Trailers Inc.