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When To Supplement A Horse's Diet With Alfalfa Cubes

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Alfalfa cubes are a dietary supplement that can help feed your horse during times when access to baled hay is difficult. Though alfalfa cubes look too small to be considered long stem forage, they're actually compressed forms of processed alfalfa hay that act similarly to baled forms in a horse's digestive system.

Because they are the same composition as baled hay, you simply substitute alfalfa cubes in a 1:1 ratio for feeding. Alfalfa cubes can either be chewed whole or partially soaked in water to remove the hazard of choking for younger or older horses that have a difficult time eating them dry. But feeding a horse dry alfalfa cubes is still best done close to the ground though, so thorough chewing removes the chance of accidental choking.

Though bags of alfalfa cubes can be more expensive per pound than baled hay, there are times when using them as a supplement can makes things easy. So if you had heard of using alfalfa cubes to supplement a horse's feed, you should know when is the best time to do so.

While Traveling

Keeping the needed amount of feed for a horse while traveling or during competitions can be a difficult part of your journey, as hauling hay can be a large part of your cargo. So whether you want to keep the load light or keep an adequate amount of space for your equine companions, consider either switching out baled hay for cubed, or at least supplementing your load with compacted versions.

When Storage Is Difficult

Storing hay can be a spatial option that you may be lacking from time to time. And keeping hay dry and free of mold can also be an issue in humid or damp environments, where having excessive amounts of bales stored is not a viable way to maintain clean feed supplies. So if you are dealing with either lack of space or the right storage area for baled hay, having alfalfa cubes on hand can be a lifesaver.

Alfalfa cubes come in 50 pound bags that can be easily and safely shelved, free of much of the mold problems and dust generation that baled hay have in storage conditions. Because cubes store and stay mold free for a longer period of time, they can also contribute to less feed waste than what you'd encounter with baled hay. If you're spending a fortune on keeping hay and end up tossing molded feed with the compost, it may be time to supplement your stock with cubed versions. 
